Georges Méliès in MONTREUIL

Cinema was also born in Montreuil since it is here that Georges Méliès, inventor of special effects and pioneer of film fiction, created the very first cinema studio in the world and made more than 500 films. We are going to rediscover the city with him, from the “Le Méliès” cinema to the location of his studios that no longer exist, while paying tribute to other figures of Montreuil cinema such as Emile Reynaud, the inventor of the cartoon, and the directors of the Pathé-Albatros Studios.
Finally, we will see that Montreuil is still a land of filming with many films today: The First Day of the Rest of Your Life, Les Emotifs Anonyme, Holy Motors, The Aquatic Effect, Lupin, etc.
This dive into the origins of cinema will of course be illustrated by photos and extracts on tablet.
Where ?
From the town hall of Montreuil to the former studios of Méliès then in Bas-Montreuil.
Duration ?
2h15 (2km)
On your way
The romantic story of Georges Méliès and his funny and magical films.
A first stop at the Méliès cinema, superb cinema and great pride of Montreuil.
The pleasure of strolling through the streets of Bas-Montreuil.
The discovery of charming and remote film studios and filming locations.
For who ?
This visit is perfect for Montreuillois wishing to get to know their city better, but also for all those who are interested in the character, the origins of cinema or simply to leave intramural Paris to discover the riches of Greater Paris.
Group of 15 people maximum for individual registrations. Up to 20 people for groups already formed.
Weather report
Tours take place in all weathers, even in the rain! In the event of extreme weather (storms or hot weather), Ciné-Balade will contact you the day before or the morning of the visit to cancel or postpone it if possible.
Some opinions on this walk
Very interesting and moving walk when one evokes the genius of this man, who moreover took place under the sun. Montreuil is my city of residence and this visit allowed me to identify places that are known but which I had not read. So thank you to our guide.
- Acacia
Juliette Dubois, a very competent and charming guide, knew how to evoke the interesting creator that Méliès was in the places where he lived, and to make us discover his films and the multiple aspects of his astonishing career in the cinema of the beginnings. We were also able to enter the Albatros studios, a mythical place for making films from the beginning of the 20th century. Despite the rain and hail a fascinating visit, to be really recommended !!
- Marie Therese
Very interesting and moving walk when one evokes the genius of this man, who moreover took place under the sun. Montreuil is my city of residence and this visit allowed me to identify places that are known but which I had not read. So thank you to our guide.
- Acacia
Thanks to Juliette, a competent and friendly guide.
Well-documented visit, which is all the more important as many places have changed or are not easily accessible.
Beautiful walk and evocation of Méliès. Interesting Méliès cinema.
- Anne D.
A very pleasant and perfectly prepared visit! I learned a lot and discovered fascinating parts of the Montreuil district. Thank you
- Alexandra
Juliette made me discover a whole part of the cinematographic past of my city and especially the places and the history. Thanks to her.
- Geraldine